
Cleaning equipment with cart on the floor in office building

How to Determine Whether a Chemical Is Classified as ‘Hazardous’?

There are always chemicals present in facilities, and it’s incumbent on the facility manager to inform their employees or tenants of potential hazards. It’s not always clear, however, which chemicals are required in a communication plan.  Experts at® were recently asked the best way to determine what chemicals are considered “hazardous” when creating a […]

Energy-Efficient Building concept

Is Your Building Energy-Efficient?

Are you doing everything in your power (pun intended) to improve the efficiency of your building? Aside from environmental benefits, implementing energy-efficient practices and technologies in your facility can result in big savings down the line. Read on for a look into six effective ways to reduce your building’s energy usage. Whether you execute them […]

training tablet

Education and Training Opportunities for Facilities Management Professionals

Facilities managers tend to wear many hats. Over time, facilities management titles have evolved to include a variety of tasks and job descriptions. Everything from security to construction to building maintenance to project management to energy management has come to define the average facility director or manager. As the job title has diversified in meaning, […]

Facility safety

Options for Addressing EPA’s HazWaste e-Manifest Program at Your Facility

If your facility generates or transports hazardous waste, take note; effective October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2021, the EPA will apply new user fees in its hazardous waste (hazwaste) e-Manifest Program. Publication of the Agency’s fee memo provides facility managers and their safety committees an opportunity to review the different types of manifests regulated […]

benchmark rating concept

Get Started Today on Benchmarking Your Building’s Performance

Are you benchmarking your building’s performance yet? For facilities managers, collecting building performance data and benchmarking it makes good business sense because this process can reveal inefficiencies and wasted resources at your facility. By benchmarking energy and water consumption and waste generation data, you will be able to not only understand your building’s performance and […]

Businessman vaping in front of faciliy

6 Strategies for Addressing Vaping at Your Facility

In case you haven’t noticed the large clouds forming outside building entrances, the use of e-cigarettes—also called vaping—is on the rise. As a result, many facility managers and their organization’s HR teams are playing catch-up to answer questions from employees, colleagues, and executives.

lightning storm

Preparing Your Business for Natural Disasters

Disasters are, for the most part, unpredictable, but there are steps that you can take that will improve your chances to survive and get back in business faster. Some of these measures require purchases while others can be completed in-house with the staff and materials at hand.

Facility with Trees

If a Tree Falls on Your Facility, It Will Make a Sound: Keeping an Eye on Tree Health

To a facility manager, a picture can be worth a thousand words, and the trees on their facility grounds are an important part of that image. Their value also extends well beyond the ornamental; healthy trees help curb cooling costs, manage stormwater, clean the air by intercepting pollutants, and provide some shade where your or […]

facility team discussing building resources

6 Facilities Management Resources You Should Be Reading

To keep your buildings running day in and day out, you—as a successful facilities manager—must wear several hats every day. From ensuring facilities are cleaned and managing access controls to setting up workstations and managing third-party vendors, it’s hard to find the time to stay on top of news, trends, and industry information that helps […]