
energy lighting

Upgrading Your Facility Energy Efficiency? Pick a Partnership!

Three words have always been considered the keys to real estate success: location, location, location. While location is still important, two new words, energy efficiency, have become essential as well, not only to property owners but to tenants too. Energy efficient buildings not only save money, they also support corporate sustainability programs and can help […]

Engineer working on a solar panel install

Cut Out Power Conversion Process to Increase Energy Efficiency

The electrical grid in the United States – including generation, transmission, and distribution – is based on alternating current (AC). However, an increasing number of devices required by modern life (e.g. computers, mobile devices, and LED lights) run on direct current (DC), requiring that the power be converted before it can be used. As it currently […]

Woman at conference networking session

Dates Added for Facilities Management and Total Security Summits!

Forum Events, a leading networking event offering that provides opportunities for senior-level executives to meet with high-quality solution providers, improving ROI by optimizing the sourcing process, is excited to announce the expansion of its  Facilities Management and Total Security Summits, increasing from two events per year to four, starting in 2019.

Person standing on ladder

Preventing Ladder-Related Accidents and Ladder Safety Month

I really thought we would have flying cars by now. Growing up watching cartoons like the Jetson’s or movies like Back to the Future, we were led to believe that everyone would be flying around with jetpacks and hoverboards. Unfortunately, no one has invented anti-gravity boots yet, so we still need tools like ladders to […]

New Shopping Center with Commercial, Retail and Office Space available for sale or lease

What Are You Responsible for at a Multiemployer Facility?

How many employers have a presence in your facility? Do you have two or three contractors renovating a tenant’s office space, another contractor running your on-site cafeteria, some consultants evaluating your production unit, a medical group doing on-site wellness screening, and a crew of temporary employees in the warehouse? All of those workers represent different […]

Manager safety leadership

Control Facility Hazards with ‘Prevention Through Design’

Saving money and preventing workplace injuries right from the drawing board are the simple principles behind “Prevention Through Design” (PtD). One common example of PtD is lockout/tagout practices for machinery, but the practice has many applications in the facilities management space. Basically, PtD is the control of workplace hazards by addressing them during the design […]

cleaning crew

Do Your Cleaning Crews Pass Security Scrutiny?

At most facilities, janitorial crews are often neither seen nor heard, starting their work shifts after most employees have gone home. This level of freedom has the potential to cause security problems related to more than just incidents of theft. Workers in these jobs may be poorly screened or not background-checked by the firms who […]

Gas powered forklift operating in a facility

Don’t Forget, Carbon Monoxide is a Cold Work Hazard

Two federal agencies have issued warnings about the hazards of working in cold weather. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reminded employers and workers that frostbite and hypothermia can occur when working in cold, wet, icy, or snowy conditions. While exposure can be a concern for facility managers who handle their own […]

Snow plow in a facility's cleared parking lot

Tips for Outdoor Winter Work at Your Facility

Winter is here, and many parts of the country are seeing snow. With the seasonal changes come the hazards of outdoor work in cold conditions, snow and ice removal, and other dangers. At its Winter Weather resource site, OSHA lists 10 common winter weather hazards that employers should train employees to recognize.