
AIHA, Other Groups Form Indoor Environmental Quality Alliance

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and five other groups formed a new international association on indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance (IEQ-GA) will serve as a platform for the exchange of indoor environmental knowledge and information and will promote education and research into the health and environmental quality in buildings.

fire sprinkler system

Does Your Facility Have an Adequate Fire Prevention Plan?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires facilities to have a detailed fire prevention plan when applicable standards require it. However, the agency “strongly recommends” that all facilities develop and implement a plan. How does your facility’s fire prevention plan stack up?

Wildfire hazard sign with wildfire in background

Wildfire Preparation Tips for Your Facility

Wildfires can happen at any time, though changes in land use combined with the steady and continuing rise of global temperatures over the past decades have helped create the perfect environmental conditions for them to thrive. To compound the problem, more and more people are living and working in communities where the risks posed by […]

Warehouse managers and worker working together in warehouse office

Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Programs, Part 2: Building Your Policy

In Part 1, we looked at the benefits of implementing an EPP policy and discussed how to get started prioritizing what you want to include in an EPP. As the champion of an EPP in your facility, your input will be crucial in the construction of your facility’s EPP. Today, we’ll present specific recommendations of […]

Female warehouse clerk using phone and looking at purchase order

Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Programs, Part 1: Why You Need One at Your Facility

As a facilities manager, you are in a position to have a significant impact on the environmental footprint of your business or facility, and help keep your fellow employees healthy. Minimizing waste, conserving water and electricity, improving indoor air quality—all fall within the role of a facilities manager and ultimately have a positive impact on […]

Marijuana Safety Concerns Voiced by Occupational and Environmental Medical Group

An occupational and environmental medical group urged members of Congress to keep workplace safety implications in mind when considering marijuana legalization. Congress should proceed cautiously and make public and worker safety its primary concern before legalizing marijuana, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) said in a statement. Several states already have enacted […]

Supercell thunderstorm and potential tornado conditions

How to Prepare Your Workplace for Disasters

With hurricane season here to stay until the end of November, it’s important to think about how prepared (or unprepared) your workplace is for a disaster. Tornadoes. Fires. Floods. They’re all happening much more frequently than they did decades ago, and they’re dangerous and expensive.

folded linens in laundry facility

Don’t Air Your Dirty Laundry

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on our sister publication, When it comes to chores, one of the most daunting is laundry. It can pile up, and without even realizing it, your dirty clothes are everywhere. Pests are similar. They can be introduced slowly and unnoticeably, until suddenly there is a large problem.