
Workers streaming into a reopened facility.

Keeping an Eye on Security in a Shared-Use Facility

How do you install new security devices or systems in a building with multiple tenants? If you’re only managing one part of a facility, how do you get the landlord’s buy-in to make important changes to your part of the building? How do you keep your employees safe in a facility with multiple access control […]

Employee using mobile access control

Which Access Control Trends Matter in 2021?

The security industry is quickly evolving with the emergence of new technology. As we near the end of 2020, we are seeing new trends that will shape the future of physical security. By identifying access control trends for 2021, facility managers can properly prepare to meet both business and end user needs.

Snow shovel on facility sidewalk

Holiday Hazards: Ice and Snow Removal

It could be a long, cold winter. If your workers have to dig out, can they do it without hurting themselves? Most workers know that shoveling snow and breaking up ice can be exhausting, but they may not be aware of the extent of their risks.

Elevator modernization project

Is It Time to Modernize Your Elevators?

There comes a time in every elevator’s life when it no longer makes financial or logistical sense to continue repairing the same components year after year. Service calls get expensive, replacement parts become harder to find and the time the elevator spends out of service ends up exceeding its time in operation. In most cases, […]

frozen water on pipe

Frozen Pipes and Other Sprinkler System Concerns

It’s getting to that time of year, when the temperature drops below freezing and the pipes at your facility are at risk. Most people, including most facility managers, are aware of this risk with respect to ordinary plumbing found in bathrooms and kitchens. But, have you considered whether your property’s sprinkler system is at risk?

Photo of a facility restroom; bathroom

When Bathrooms Operate Inefficiently, It’s Money Down the Drain

As a facilities manager, are you looking for ways to lower your monthly water bill? Bathrooms use 30%–40% of the water in a typical commercial building, so they’re the first place you should look for inefficiencies. Other building uses that consume the most water are cooling and heating, landscaping, and kitchen and laundry facilities. It […]

Worker in cold office wants space heater

Should You Allow Space Heaters in Your Facility?

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, workers or tenants at your facility may start to bombard you with complaints about the temperature. Invariably, the follow up questions will surely relate to whether or not you allow the use of portable space heaters in the colder areas of your building. So, should you?

COVID-19 testing

CDC Revises Definition of ‘Close Contact’ for COVID-19

On October 21, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced updated COVID-19 guidance, specifically the definition of “close contact.” The expanded definition states that the 15-minute exposure period should be measured based on a cumulative amount of time over 24 hours and not just a single 15-minute interaction.