
Cleanliness Tops Return-to-Work Priorities for Both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Employees

With COVID-19 cases surging and the fear of contracting the next highly transmissible contagion widespread, American workers are placing a renewed emphasis on cleaning, according to a new survey by the Cleaning Coalition of America. The survey finds that U.S. workers increasingly value enhanced cleaning of the workplace and feel safer seeing professional cleaners on site—a […]

Hundreds of Manufacturing Plants Meet EPA’s ENERGY STAR Challenge to Cut Emissions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is celebrating the 580 manufacturing plants that achieved the energy savings goals set out by EPA 10 years ago to drive energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. Through the ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry, manufacturing plants agreed to reduce energy intensity by 10% within five years. These 580 […]

What Facility Managers Need to Know About Hybrid Workspaces

As with the concept of remote work, hybrid work may have already existed before COVID-19, but the pandemic took the idea of hybrid workplaces to the next level. Forced government lockdowns, social distancing, and other measures ensured that hybrid ways of working became more accepted and normative across many industry sectors. As such, the trend […]

DOE Announces $13M to Make Federal Facilities More Efficient

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $13 million in funding for 17 projects to implement energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and climate resilience technologies at federal facilities across the country. According to the DOE, the projects will use energy performance contracts at no additional up-front cost to the government and will lower energy […]

What Happens When a Fire Sprinkler System Fails

Fire sprinkler systems are installed in commercial and industrial (C&I) facilities to protect occupants, property structures, and contents. These systems contain fires and help save lives. Statistics from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) indicate that the civilian death rate from fires is 87% lower in buildings with sprinklers, compared to properties without fire sprinkler […]

Facility Management Solutions for COVID-Era Washrooms

Now more than ever, facility managers need to consider hygiene practices for worker health and safety—especially in the restrooms. The need for clean, hygienic, and safe restroom environments has never been greater due to the unprecedented spread—and lingering presence—of coronavirus. Restrooms are unique in that they are tight, enclosed spaces; have multiple touchpoints (about 10 […]

Implementing a Vaccine Passport Reader Application to Help Businesses Enforce Health Security Protocols

Recent tracking finds around seven out of 10 Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore, Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that around six out of 10 remote workers support vaccine requirements to gain entry into places like high-rise workplaces or other such business centers. So, how can […]

Teacher Survey: Noisy Air Purifiers Impact Classroom IAQ and Learning

A new national survey of K-12 teachers, commissioned by Global Plasma Solutions (GPS), shows that more than two-thirds are turning down or turning off portable, in-room, HEPA air purifiers (one of the most frequently deployed technologies) as a result of the noise they can generate in classrooms. Turning the portable units down or off reduces […]

Building Managers on the Hook for Lead Paint Safety Requirements

Property management companies (PMC) performing or offering to perform regulated renovations without U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities will be subject to stronger enforcement and compliance regulations of the lead-based paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule in the future, according to a Nov. 4 EPA news release. “Health impacts from […]

Solving the Facility Management Document Storage Problem

Plans, O&Ms, inspections, warranties, and other documents touch the daily lives of everyone on the facilities team, from those at the executive level to the technicians in the field. There is a fundamental need to capture, document, retain, locate, and share information in every facility. Each facet of the job―handling operations, keeping on top of […]