OSHA Kicks Off Safe + Sound Week for U.S. Workplaces

The U.S. Department of Labor encourages the nation’s employers to commit to workplace safety and health and join its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in observing Safe + Sound Week, Aug. 9-15, 2021. A nationwide event that recognizes the successes of workplace safety and health programs, Safe + Sound Week also offers information and ideas on […]

OSHA Mulling Heat Safety Rule as Summer Temps Climb

With parts of the country suffering record-breaking temperatures this summer, employers know they need to be on guard against heat dangers for both indoor and outdoor workers. At some point, however, those precautions may be formalized into a new standard from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The Way to the Egress: A Guide to Workplace Evacuations, Part 2

In Part 1 of this two-part series on workplace evacuations, we shared the importance of building an effective Emergency Action Plan and establishing a safety strategy to address various emergency scenarios. Continuing coverage into Part 2 of this evacuation primer, we now provide a closer look at the safety requirements for establishing exit routes and introduce best […]

The Way to the Egress: A Guide to Workplace Evacuations, Part 1

Sometimes a company’s employees just need to leave. Workplace emergencies can range from isolated chemical spills, fires, toxic gas releases, and active shooter incidents to local flooding; hurricanes; tornados; and, more rarely, terrorist attacks. Workplace lockdowns or sheltering in place may be the appropriate response, but sometimes you need to evacuate your facility. But first, […]

grant money

OSHA Offers $21M in Training Grants for Workplace Hazards, Infectious Diseases

The U.S. Department of Labor has announced funding opportunities for more than $21 million in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training grants for nonprofit organizations. The first availability will provide $10 million under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 for Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases, including the Coronavirus grants. To be eligible […]

Building Ventilation Prep for Summer 2021’s Most Pressing Hazards

Are you prepared to fully reopen your facilities during an ongoing, if waning, pandemic and the threat of wildfires this summer? States and localities are rolling back pandemic precautions as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccinations roll out across the United States–President Biden pledged May 4 that 70% of American adults would receive at least one vaccine dose […]

OSHA Relaxes COVID Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Workplaces

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is easing its COVID-19 recommendations for fully vaccinated workplaces, but the agency is still advising employers to take steps to protect any unvaccinated workers. On June 10, OSHA announced updated guidance along with new rules for frontline healthcare employers. The latest word from OSHA reflects new guidance from the Centers […]

OSHA inspector

4 Things to Consider Before Demanding Warrant from OSHA

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance officers typically arrive without advance notice, which is enough to raise alarm bells in the minds of many employers. You might know why they’re there. Or you might not have any idea. Whatever the situation, step one should be to ask yourself: Should I demand the inspector come […]

now open

Things to Consider Before Reopening Your Workplace

As government regulations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic begin to loosen, employers with remote operations will have more opportunities to transition people back into the physical workplace. Here are key issues to keep in mind. No One-Size-Fits-All Solution To facilitate employees’ return to the workplace, you should develop a reopening plan and enact policies to manage […]

puzzle pieces on wood plank

OSHA Focuses Enforcement Efforts on Higher-Risk Workplaces Amid Pandemic

On March 21, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a national emphasis program (NEP) to focus its enforcement efforts on preventing employees from contracting COVID-19 and protecting those who report unsafe working conditions. In general, an NEP is a method by which OSHA temporarily focuses its resources on a specific danger or […]